Christian A. González

Operations Manager

“Traveling is illusion of living beautiful moments, moments are made life, live your new moment!”

Commercial Engineer, specialist in Logistics, Economics and Maritime Port Management. With over 10 years of experience working in the transport, logistics, education and tourism sectors. Much of my life was enjoyed in Europe, where in addition to gain technical and professional knowledge in tourism, working in hotels and tour operators I had the opportunity to visit several of its countries, discovering its beautiful landscapes, fantastic architecture, its culture and traditions. Back in Colombia, my nature for adventure and instinct for freedom have led me to travel this beautiful land for its different and varied regions, discovering spectacular and unimaginable landscapes that have made me see the great potential that this country has as a destination. For this reason I decided to join my brother Dario, and work hard alongside him, contributing with all my administrative and operative experience to turn his great dream into this wonderful reality that is today Magical Colombia, an experience that surely you will not forget.